Sunday, December 4, 2011

super k

"leave the radio on 

this car is not a democracy" 


the thump of my belly 

hustlers round the corner 

who look but never listen 

the color of money 


"there should be a western union 

in every ghetto"

Monday, November 28, 2011


Stillborn, wake warm
To the smell
Of fetid water

Pineal putty
Pumped, primed
Ripe, ready
Fester free

Wild cuckoo!
Howl long
Linger heavy

The strophes that
Mark your pulse


head nod
sophists that
insist to exist
sincerity that gives
me the creeps

considerate, deliberate
I am
all of this

a warm penetration
warning shot
who forgets
to feed himself

sour meat
gone bad in
the goo of
her womb

I was never meant
to last this long

lock down

trapdoor slum lord
and the interloper
who makes dollars
after hours

perfect strangers