Saturday, February 29, 2020


a rabies baby
out after dark

thinks in whispers
speaks ill
of medicine

i am in the
territory of
this madman

but it's my
goddamn city
and i'll go
as I please

we sustain a

while he's pleading
with the white man
to show him
a new disease

i laugh

it is my

Sunday, September 2, 2018

god damn

a mechanism by
which nature
keeps my ass
in check

the thirty day
sweat it out
all you can eat
fuck fest

my dick is
a feeble attempt

my body is
a radical
homosexual agenda

the takeover
martial law

i am alive
in fevers

Thursday, October 12, 2017

love it

slave name kept
it's almost charity

too long ago
her greased palms
disabused me

she cut the bromides
now talks peroxide
with tears which
wept plantations green

my life as a curiosity
for pioneers & epidemics

ball street jailout volume three

it was sort of cute
run away from the world
i got nowhere to go

i appreciate white people
they attune me to "the reality"
i resent reality or
i have a paid subscription
thus my perspective is invalid

black people still have to
prove they are worth a damn

i forgive every white girl
i have ever fucked

i assured you i was worth a shit
i convinced you that the president's father
was a CIA asset in the nineteen seventies
i did not expect you to believe me

i shout in my sleep
never in my dreams
everything is so dangerous

i threw a rock at a little boy
on his bike because he was going
too fast

strange things grown men
call transgressions

Sunday, December 4, 2011

super k

"leave the radio on 

this car is not a democracy" 


the thump of my belly 

hustlers round the corner 

who look but never listen 

the color of money 


"there should be a western union 

in every ghetto"

Monday, November 28, 2011


Stillborn, wake warm
To the smell
Of fetid water

Pineal putty
Pumped, primed
Ripe, ready
Fester free

Wild cuckoo!
Howl long
Linger heavy

The strophes that
Mark your pulse


head nod
sophists that
insist to exist
sincerity that gives
me the creeps

considerate, deliberate
I am
all of this

a warm penetration
warning shot
who forgets
to feed himself

sour meat
gone bad in
the goo of
her womb

I was never meant
to last this long